Donnerstag, 23. August 2012

Gangster 2 Miami Vindication(Fixed Bugs) Samsung Galaxy Ace Gt-S5830i

Gangster 2 Miami Vindication(Fixed Bugs) Samsung Galaxy Ace Gt-S5830i

1.Download Apk+Data
2.Now Download Titaniumbackup and the Titanium backupfiles
3.Now open Titanium Backup and select Backup/Restore
4. Find Now The Gangster 2 Miami Vindication app and click there to restore apk+data
5. now delete the app and install the normal apk if you want have to play without lags
6.Now you can play the game without Laggs
7. Enjoy

Apk+Data: here
Titaniumbackup Files: here
Apk: here

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